4456 Apartments for rent in Minnesota (MN)

You ought to know this: northern states are the best to live in. Northernmost of the contiguous US, Minnesota stands on the lakes – thus the name, the Land of 10,000 Lakes. But there’s even better news for you. It has one of the highest living indexes, affluence, and education in the nation. The Twin Cities of Minneapolis/Saint Paul are home to 60% of the population. The rest of the territory is sparsely inhabited – travel for the stunning views of peaceful lakes, western prairies, vast expanse of the Mississippi River, mighty forests, and sloping mountains. Minnesota is known for its Scandinavian and German culture. Minneapolis, the state capital is home to celebrated art venues of the North Star State: Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Institute of Art, Guthrie theatre, and the nationwide popular annual Minnesota Fringe Festival. Businesses also love Minnesota: Target, Best Buy, General Mills, and a number of other corporations are headquartered in the state. You’ll also find here one of the leading national educational facilities, the University of Minnesota.