6305 Apartments for rent in New Hampshire (NH)

One of the smallest American states, the Granite State had its independence from the British Empire, and its constitution first. Today, it holds the first primary in presidential elections. Truly, little pigeons can carry great messages! Come here if you like winter sports: local mountains are the best on the East Coast. In summer, participate in Motorcycle Week. Take a drive up Mount Washington – yes, to the very top, which is over six thousand feet high, can you believe it? Or you could rent a summer cottage and waste your days between hiking and observing foliage fall. Household incomes in New Hampshire are among the highest in the US, as well as the number of millionaires per capita. What’s more, New Hampshire boasts the lowest poverty rate (it’s all because of their slipshod income taxes). Looking for a job in tourism, machinery, or electronic equipment? Just choose a big city – Manchester, Portsmouth, or Concord – and you won’t be left unemployed. For students, consider Dartmouth College, well-known in the nation and throughout the globe.