Welcome to Utah, the state of biking trails and national parks! Natural tourism in the Beehive State is vast: Lake Powell, national parks of Arches, Zion, and Canyonlands, national monuments like Timpanogos Cave and Natural Bridges, not to mention recreational areas or national forests.
Mormon population prevails in the state (actually, it’s the only American state that has such defined church status). It’s not a very densely populated state: two and a half million (around 4/5 of the population) live in the Wasatch Front, with the capital of Salt Lake City (known for hosting the Olympic Games in 2002), and in Utah’s Dixie. Instead, Utah has some of the US fastest growing metro areas and the least income inequality – doesn’t that mean it’s one of the greatest places to live?
Mining, cattle, production of salt, and government services are what the state does for a living, and it does its job good: a couple years back, Forbes named Utah the best state for business. For education, also: one of the best institutions in the country is the University of Utah.